Why Mobile Analytics Are Essential

Majority of modern smartphones today are able to access websites. Mobile analytics study the statistics of the visitor and their behavior. The data collected when the visitors access a website from their mobile phone, the brand, the service provider, the locations and other dimensions like screen resolution is analyzed. The analysis of the data collected helps the website owner to understand which aspects of the website work best for the business and get more mobile traffic. He also comprehends as to what mobile marketing campaigns will work best for the business.

Data under mobile analytics usually consists of visits, page views, visitors and countries.  It also includes information related to the mobile devices such as manufacturer, model, service provider, device capabilities, and the language preferred. The data and the analysis is used to improve the performance of the mobile website by making comparison against chief performance indicators. How your customers interact with the mobile channel will pave the way for a successful mobile strategy.

Mobile Analytics provides you will valuable insights into customer behavior as well as his web habits. This is essential for gaining a competitive advantage as it offers one a deep insight into the psychology of the customer and what kind of information and media he finds most compelling. These analytics help you your mobile marketing efforts and steer them in the right direction and give a boost to your business.

Mobile Phones

General Mobile Analytics reveal the following behaviors and data:

  • Session duration and frequency
  • searches and purchases
  • In-app ad responses
  • Geographic location and languages
  • Conversion event history

Although you may find that mobile visits make a small part of your overall visitors, but they carry a higher conversion rate. Most users find it convenient to do business and shop on mobile. Therefore, a mobile website that is completely dedicated to mobile will create more business for you. Studying the Mobile Analytics will help you locate the origins of mobile traffic and learn when to expect an increase in traffic. For example, if you see that analysis showing saturation in one market, you can shift your focus to other new markets and keep the business in profits. For example, if you see a rise of visitors from a certain region, you can shift importance to that region and organize new mobile servers in those areas. One can also create sectors for different operating systems and devices and compare the mobile analytics and take advantage of the data collected.


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