Mysqli_fetch_array() Expects Parameter 1 to Be Mysqli_result, Boolean Given in

Mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, which is why it is giving you that error. You need to first run a query using mysqli_query() and then pass the resulting mysqli_result object to mysqli_fetch_array().

Mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, which is a result object returned by a query. However, an error will occur if you try to use mysqli_fetch_array() on a non-result object, such as a boolean value or an integer.
Mysqli_fetch_array() function is used to return an array that corresponds to the fetched row or NULL if there are no more rows in the resultset. This function expects its first parameter to be mysqli_result.

If two or more parameters are provided, mysqli_fetch_array() fetches the next row and assigns the columns in the array to the corresponding parameters.
If an array is passed as the first parameter, mysqli_fetch_array() fetches the next row and assigns the columns in the row to the corresponding array elements.
If two or more arrays are passed as parameters, mysqli_fetch_array() fetches the next row. and assigns the columns in the row to the corresponding array elements in each array.

Warning: Mysqli_fetch_array() Expects Parameter 1 to Be Mysqli_result, Boolean Given in…

Solution: 1

If you’re seeing the “Warning: mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in” error, it means that there’s a problem with the database query you’re trying to run.

Most likely, the problem is that the query is returning a false value (meaning it’s not finding anything in the database that matches the criteria you’re searching for).

To fix this, you’ll need to either change the query so that it returns a valid mysqli_result, or check the return value of the query before trying to fetch the array.

Solution: 2

This SQL query is invalid and returns an invalid logical value.

Use mysqli_query () to see what happens after installation.

This means that the first parameter provided by mysqli_fetch_array is not recognized as mysqli_result.

$row_messages = mysqli_query($user_sql_query,MYSQLI_ASSOC);

This line of code retrieves all messages associated with a user from a MySQL database. The result is stored in the $row_messages variable as an associative array. This array can then be looped through to display all the messages for the user.

You Can Print the Error

Warning: mysqli_fetch_all() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, bool given in C:\xammp\htdocs\demo\index.php on line 11

Where You Are Running Mysqli_query , Add ‘or Die( Mysqli_error($conn)’

If you are running a mysqli_query and encounter an error, adding ‘or die(mysqli_error($conn))’ will ensure that the error is displayed. This is particularly useful for debugging purposes, as it will help you identify where the problem is occurring. Without this, you may simply get a blank page or an error.


Mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, but null given in /home/vagrant/Code/mysqli.php on line 10

This error message indicates that the mysqli_fetch_array() function was expecting a mysqli_result object as its first parameter, but instead it received a null value. This is likely due to an error in the code that is calling mysqli_fetch_array().

If you’re getting the “mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result” error, it’s likely because you’re trying to fetch data from a database that doesn’t exist, or that you’re using the wrong database credentials. Double-check your connection details and try again. If the problem persists, contact your hosting provider or database administrator for assistance.

Read Also: How to Create an Efficient and Resilient Online Database


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