New Augmented Reality App by James May

Apps are really making huge changes to the lifestyle we live and therefore many developers are now coming up with their own apps that can allow them to make the most of the smartphones that they have. Sony Xperia has now announced that James May who is best known as Captain Slow in the Top Gear program on BBC has launched his own new augmented reality app which is known as James May’s Science Stories. The app was launched at the London’s Science Museum.

Sharing more about his new augmented reality app, James May said that he has teamed up with publishers ICN supported by DigitCave for all the 3D capture and 3D rendering. He has also teamed up with Qualcomm for all the AR expertise that they can provide to ensure that people can make the most of the information he has. The app can be downloaded directly from Google Play store in Home and Museum mode.


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