Headphones Buying Guide:
Choosing the right pair of headphones can be a pain. There are so many varieties, a huge range of price choices and so many different brands that it can be dizzying when you enter a store. You could ask for help from a store clerk, but unless you have an idea of what you want they’re not going to be very helpful.
So to help you pick the right headphones, we’ve created this quick but helpful guide on how to choose the correct headphones for almost any situation you could encounter. Whether it’s to pair with your smartphone or simply use with your computer, here’s how you can pick the right headphones for any situation.

In-Ear or Over-Ear?
The first main question you need to ask yourself is: do I want in-ears or over-ears. Technically speaking, in-ears would be called earphones. They both have disadvantages and advantages, but it really depends on what you’re aiming for.
- + Small, convenient to carry around
- + Unobtrusive, small enough to not really be noticed
- + Can easily be stored away
- – Tend to break very easily
- – Small size means they can frequently get lost- Cheaper models tend to fall out of your ear
- + Sturdy construction, less likely to be damaged with regular use
- + Wider range of styles to suit your needs
- + Larger size means they’re harder to steal or lose
- – Larger size means they’re also harder to store
- – Head size needs to be taken into consideration for comfort
- – Bulky, can be annoying in public
Those are just a couple of points that we can use to compare in-ears and on-ears. Now let’s look at some speciality features that could be deal breakers.
Noise Cancellation:
Some headphones, such as the JBL noise cancelling headphones selection, cancel the noise around you which helps you focus on the music instead of ambient sound. It works by sampling the sound around you, inverting it, and then playing it back so that it cancels the sound out. They’re incredibly effective at cancelling out sounds, but there can be some disadvantages. You’ll find it difficult to hear anyone around you, which means it’s not suitable for when you need to communicate such as in an office. You also don’t want to wear them when you’re walking around or riding a bike because you won’t be able to hear things around you.
Noise Isolation:
Similar to noise cancellation, except these don’t use sophisticated technology to cancel the sound. Instead, they use the effective method of simply blocking outside noise by creating a seal in or around your ears that prevent sound from entering. It’s good enough, but it’s not as effective as noise cancellation technology. Still, it’s worth mentioning the differences in wording.
Bluetooth Technology:
You can get wireless headphones that work with Bluetooth technology instead of having wires. This eliminates the need for wires, but there are some drawbacks. For instance, you’ll need to charge the headphones every now and then which can be a pain. They might also cut out if you go too far away from your device.