Road Trip Survival Kit:
Summer is the time for road trip. Nothing beats hitting the open road. Imagine; the wind’s in your hair, the scenery is rolling past your window, and you’re free! Of course, freedom is the aim of the game when you set out on a self-made journey like this. You’re not tied down by flights or excursion times; the world is your oyster. As such, you may want to head off without a plan. You can make this up as you go along, can’t you? Yes and no. In some respects, you could argue that you’re only as free as your planning allows you to be.

It may seem contradictory, but if you set out without any plan at all, you could find yourself stuck down the line. You don’t have to plan a route if you don’t want to, though it might be best to have some idea of your destination. But, there are other plans you need to make to ensure your freedom. For one, ensure your car has everything it needs to keep you going. Before setting off on any long journey, you should do standard checks. You should test tyre pressure, check engine levels, etc. But, the work doesn’t stop there. You’ll also need to ensure you have an emergency kit, just in case. But, what do you include in a road trip kit? That’s what we’re here to tell you!

As you’ll be driving unknown routes, it’s essential you get a sat-nav. Otherwise, your trip could come to an end pretty soon. After all, you don’t have unlimited time. At some point, you’ll need to reach a destination. Many new-model cars have sat-nav built in. If that applies to your vehicle, you’re good to go. If not, stock up before you head off. With a little research, you may even find you can download a navigation app for your phone!
Fill the tank:

You also need to ensure you have plenty of fuel. This is just one reason it’s worth gaining some idea of the distance you’re traveling. How else can you ensure you have enough? Of course, you will come across petrol stations, unless you’re headed to the middle of nowhere. But, there’s no guarantee whether the tank you have will last you between each one. One way around the issue would be to map out all the petrol stations you’ll be driving past. Another is to stock up on a spare jug of fuel you can take with you from a company like New Era Fuels. With a bit of luck, you won’t have to use it. But, having the option will ease a lot of pressure.
The spare tire:

Last, but by no means least, ensure you have a spare tyre that’s in working order. If not, make sure to replace it before you leave! You’ll be driving unfamiliar roads, and have no idea of the conditions of them. If you’re headed to unpopulated areas, a flat tyre could spell trouble!