The Most Valuable Software for Small Business in 2021

If you own a small business, you will know the power that technology can bring to your operations. It can transform productivity, give you high efficiency and change your bottom line forever. Technology can give small businesses the operative ability of a business with many more employees, so regardless of your industry or niche if you want to beat your competition and power your growth, technology should be at the forefront of your mind. Perhaps the most important technology for small businesses to effectively utilize in 2021 is software. The software can help you cut many corners or achieve previously only accessible goals to larger companies when used currently. That being said, to be able to leverage the software you use effectively, you must invest in software that offers the highest return. This guide shows you the most valuable software for small businesses in 2021. Not all may be relevant, but if you are looking for software with great returns, try the following on for size.

Video Conferencing Software

Video conferencing software was probably the most popular software of 2020, and it looks like it is set to stay that way for 2021 and beyond. Not only are many businesses having to continue with remote working to fit in with government measures in 2021, but many have also discovered the surprising benefits of remote working. A recent study coming from Stanford looked at 16,000 workers and concluded that working from home increased productivity by 13%. This dramatic increase in performance was attributed to a more convenient and less distracting working environment and one that tends to come with fewer breaks and sick days. Surprisingly for some, workers were also found to find their work more satisfying. Attrition rates were cut by over 50%, though it is not clear if this was due to working at home or the job market as a whole.

Translation Management Software

As businesses continue to focus their efforts online instead of via traditional brick and mortar selling models, translation management software becomes an invaluable asset. Operating online means that you can reach a global customer base, even if you don’t necessarily market internationally. This can be a great opportunity, but you can’t take advantage of it without some good translation management software. But what is translation management software, and why is it so valuable? Well, this is an evolving software technology solution that comes with several benefits:

  • Translation of texts
  • Maintenance of brand identity by ensuring all content is contextualized, which is done by artificial intelligence and machine learning. As a result, this should be combined with reviews and revisions from native speakers
  • Managed translation and localization of language assets

Accounting Software

Companies use accounting software all the time to track money that comes in and goes out of a company. This is great as it helps to minimize the need for accountants, which tend to be expensive to employ. Accounting software also gives you such a detailed analysis of your cash flow that you can instantly see the areas that you need to cut costs or improve efficiencies and many other visualizations that can help you control your spending properly. Accounting software can also automatically generate invoices for customers and flag parties who haven’t paid yet. By simplifying all things financial, accounting software can help you in more ways than one.

Employee Engagement Software

Research from Gallup round that 85% of American employees are not actively engaged or are actively disengaged at work. An engaged employee is one of a company’s most valuable assets – they are aligned with the organization and its goals, absorbed and enthusiastic in their work, and would go above and beyond to further the company’s interests. Low employee engagement levels can lead to higher staff turnover, lower productivity rates, poorer customer service, and more! Luckily, this can be tracked with employee engagement software, which can also offer valuable other insights.


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